
Virtual Complaint Book

Virtual Complaint Book

This is the Virtual Complaint Book of CUSCO4TRAVEL. In this section you can express any complaint or claim regarding dissatisfaction with the provided service, additionally you will receive a copy of your complaint in your email, once your claim was made we will attend to you as soon as possible.


I declare to be the owner of the service and I accept the content of this form stating under oath the veracity of the facts described. The formulation of the claim does not prevent resorting to other means of dispute resolution nor is it a prerequisite for filing a denunciation with INDECOPI.

The provider of the product or service must respond to the claim within a period not exceeding thirty (30) calendar days, and could extend the term for up to thirty (30) more days, prior communication to the consumer.

We inform you that in order to properly process your complaint or claim, your data will be collected in our costumer database, corresponding to the company of our group that operated your flight or provided the service which is subject of the complaint or claim. Your personal data will be treated both confidentially and safely, and will be stored for the needed time to assist you.